
Showing posts from June, 2019

My Life's Purpose Is A Bamboo Plant

...and it ain't even a real bamboo plant. Hey, everyone. I'm Maya - welcome back to The Avocado and Me.  Before we begin today's post, I want to take you all on a little road trip back to July 2nd, 2018. On this day in history, I drank a lot of iced chai tea while writing a blog post titled, "1,000 Page Views!" Let me tell you - I was so freaking excited to write that post. One-thousand views was a really big deal for this little speck of a teenage girl. I felt so accomplished, and so proud of how far The Avocado and Me  had come. Now, a little less than a year from July 2, 2018, there have been approximately 7,068 page views on this here blog. Everyone, we septupled the number of page views on The Avocado and Me  in less than a year. That is insane. I am so incredibly grateful for you, for the time you dedicate to reading my words, and for this journey we've gone on together. You mean the world to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And now, my loves,

Simple Arugula and Quinoa Salad

I have a friend I would like to introduce you all to, and her name is Writer's Block. She's been keeping me company lately, following me wherever I go, and contributing to the dozens of blog posts I've started, but failed to finish. For that, dear reader, I apologize. Luckily, it seems that Writer's Block has abandoned me for a vacation to the Bahamas. While she is there, lathering herself in sunscreen and sipping coconut water, I will take the opportunity to write. Writer's Block hasn't been the only thing dissuading me from writing these past few weeks. I'm currently in a two-week summer intensive production of Legally Blonde. With rehearsal from nine to four, dozens of songs to learn, and choreography to memorize, it's been hard to find the time to draft a blog post. Additionally, I'm taking an extra math class online during these months off from escuela. Challenges are always wonderful, but they do tend to strain one's schedule. Thank yo

The Ramblings of a Hopeless Observer

It is, my friends, officially summer. Not the season. Oh no, that doesn't begin until June 21st. I can confidently say that most of us up here in the Northern Hemisphere are eagerly awaiting that day. Although it is not yet summer by the astronomical or meteorological definitions, it is summer vacation. School is out, children need not spend hours laboring over homework, and in a matter of a few weeks, we will all (most certainly be sunburnt and bored half to death. Best time of the year. One of the things I like to do best with all of my hours of leisure time is walk to the library. It's about a thirty-five minute stroll each way, and with plenty of parched lawns and meticulously tended to gardens to keep me company, the time simply flies. And then you're there. You've made it, passed the sea of suburban houses and dusty trucks, to one of the most glorious places in the world. The library. Now, my favorite part about the library (apart from the