
Showing posts from October, 2019

A Brief Note

Life's been a little rocky lately. The last couple of weeks have contained within them some highs, greatly outnumbered by pretty significant lows, and I haven't been in a super good place. I've been depressed. I've been in a lot of doctor's offices, and to a lot of therapy appointments. I haven't been a great friend or family member. I've missed too much school, and as a result, didn't do so hot on my last math test. Math's hard enough as it is. Add a typhoon of mental health struggles? Turns out, sometimes not even Khan Academy can offer enough help.  But today, I'm okay. And I'm proud of that.  I try to write here only when I'm in a relatively good head-space. Words have a lot of power, and I never want mine to come from dark or sad places. I think it's also important to note that I'm a lot more honest in writing than I am in real-life. Typing on a Chromebook to an audience, mostly of people I don't know? That'

16 Things in 16 Years

Tomorrow, I'm sixteen. That feels really weird to say. See, over the years, I've heard and read and watched so much about this particular birthday. It's supposed to be a big one. You can drive! There are giant sweet sixteen parties! Dating and risks and new adventures! It's the age right on the cusp of childhood and adulthood; you have so many more liberties, but get to keep (most of) the luxuries and safeties that come with being a kid. This is the age of practically every teen rom-com in the history of ever. I remember being little and wondering who I'd be when I was sixteen. It just felt so far away, as real to who I was then as planets whose names I didn't know. I wondered how tall I'd be. Would I be dating someone? I thought about who my friends would be. Whether my hair would still be blonde, or would darken to brown like my mom's had. And, most importantly, I was curious whether or not my life's ambition would still be to paint coffee mugs