
Hello, everyone, and welcome to The Avocado and Me! Thank you so much for taking the time to explore my creation. Today I am putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, as the case may be) to introduce you to this blog; its origins, focus, and hopes for readers.
As an eager teenager in a big, big world, I constantly find myself learning new things and making new evaluations. My life is one heck of a full schedule: Homework, exercise, eating, friendships, extracurricular activities, family, school, some more homework, and thousands of other elements mold and shape the way I spend my time here on this lovely planet. I know first hand that life can be chaotic. However, it is very important to me that I remain a happy and healthy individual through and through, and to encourage others to do the same. At the age of thirteen, I decided (after much, MUCH research) to make a huge lifestyle change; I was going to eat a primal diet, exercise more, and actively engage in mindful behavior. I was a typical adolescent with self-esteem issues and self-doubt, but I believed I could turn that all around by living the way our ancestors had lived, with energy and constant adventures. After exploring resources such as Mark's Daily Apple (created by the brilliant Mark Sisson), Paleo Girl by the remarkable Leslie Klenke, and works by other vanguards of healthy eating (such as Gary Taubes, Dave Aspry, Michelle Tam, Danielle Walker, Carolyn Ketchum, etc.), I decided to become a Primal Beast. No grain, no added sugar, no legumes. Limited starchy vegetables and sugary fruits. An abundance of fresh, vibrant vegetables, meats, and healthy fats. I introduced active stretching, strength training, journaling, and meditation into my day and - BOOM! I was now Maya 101, Super Maya, a new, confident version of myself. Within The Avocado and Me, I hope to encourage my fellow teens to adopt a healthy lifestyle and become the best versions of themselves possible. In this realm of recipes, book reviews, random rants, and more, I hope to help and entertain others. Thank you for supporting me in my endeavors; I certainly hope I can assist you in yours.
Ciao for now,

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash


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