Word of the Week

Our world is positively swimming in words, each one carefully crafted for a specific purpose. Personally, I find words fascinating. They are kind of like my dad's set of IKEA kitchen knives; they can be an impactful tool or a dangerous weapon. It all depends on how you use them. This week, a noteworthy word I have come across is.... drum roll please....


What's that supposed to mean? Yes, I know Wikipedia isn't the most reliable source, but this time, I think it got it right. According to the article "Fika (Sweden)," "Fika...is a concept in Swedish culture with the basic meaning 'to have coffee', often accompanied with pastries, cookies or pie." You can think of it sort of like high tea in England. It is a social custom in which people are able to take a break from a day's work and indulge in a cup of coffee, tea, or other non-alcoholic beverage, as well as some nibbles like biscuits, cakes, cookies, and fruits. "Kaffebröd ("coffee bread"; sometimes called fikabröd, "fika bread") is a collective name for all kinds of biscuits, cookies, buns, etc. that are traditionally eaten with coffee," ("Fika..."). Fika can be used either as a verb or a noun, and is associated with much mingling and a time for hobnob. It typically takes place at nine in the morning and three in the afternoon. Neat, huh?

Have a good day, and don't forget about fika time!
Hej Då,

Photo by Anjeli Lundblad on Unsplash


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