Positive Coping Skills

Hello again, everyone! Whew, it's been a LONG time since my last post! Things have been a little chaotic: I have All-State Choir rehearsals to attend, and am super busy with my school musical. I have tap dance lessons and workouts to do, and TONS of homework. And then there are the basic things, like eating. And sleeping. And interacting with my family and friends. Plus, the holidays are nearing with each passing day; there is so much to do! You could say that my stress levels have been a little high.
Even though demanding schedules can become our puppet masters, it's important that we always have positive coping skills to turn to. We all need a way to relax and let go from the turbulence around us. And so, such coping mechanisms will be the focus of this piece.
Let's start for simply - what is a coping mechanism? According to Dictionary.com, a coping mechanism is "an adaptation to environmental stress that is based on conscious or unconscious choice and that enhances control over behavior or gives psychological comfort." Essentially, it is a way in which you manage varying amounts of stress in your life. And what's so cool is that everyone has a set of coping mechanisms unique to them. Not every technique will work for you; they must be tailored to your personality. Here are some of my absolute favorites:

  1. Write! Journaling is a superb method in releasing all of the built up emotions and thoughts in your head. I like to think of my journal like Albus Dumbledore's Pensieve; sometimes, there are just too many things roaming around in my mind, and I need to view them from a different angle. 
  2. Read! Reading is a way to escape, in a sense. We leave our ordinary lives behind for awhile and experience the stories and adventures of another. It can be very enlightening, and super fun!
  3. Help! When we set aside our own troubles and focus on assisting others, we begin to feel much better, more grateful and content. Bake some Primal treats for your parents after a hard day, or walk the dog. They'll thank you.
  4. Exercise! Movement and getting your heart rate up are natural ways to increase endorphin in your brain. Endorphin = happy. So go lift some heavy things and feel much better afterward!
  5. Listen to some music! Have you ever had a day when a good tune didn't seem to magically solve everything? Music lifts our spirits and makes us move; dance and sing to your favorites in front of the mirror for an instant mood-booster.
Here are some more great ideas:
  1. Get creative in the kitchen! Try that new recipe you've had Pinned on Pinterest for over a year.
  2. Drink a mug of something comforting; green and chamomile tea are lovely!
  3. Take a bubble bath, and don't be afraid to play with the foam!
  4. Set some goals. When you visualize where you are going and why you are working so hard, your dedication only strengthens.
  5. Color or draw! Unleash your creative beast with some hard-core colored pencils.
  6. Talk to someone. Sometimes, all we need is a good conversation or shoulder to lean on. Listeners are important in our lives, and can provide us with some valuable advice. Think your parents, a family member, a best friend, a dog, or your pet rock.
  7. Clean! There's nothing like a day of vacuuming, dishes, and organization to refresh your mindset (and your home!)
  8. Complete a puzzle! This one doesn't really work for me; I'm just not patient enough. But my little sis could be up sunrise to sundown, piecing together a jig-saw
  9. Video games can be an awesome release! They really bring you into the moment and create a world of adventure and fun. Just doesn't stare mindlessly at that screen for too long!
  10. Immerse yourself in nature. Take the dog on a walk around the block, or engage the family in a game of frisbee in the yard. Rake the leaves, sit in the the sun, breathe in the fresh air; it'll do you good. Plus, Vitamin D, am I right?
  11. Meditate. No, I don't mean hum repeatedly sitting criss-cross applesauce. Nope. Nada. Just take a moment to sit back, and be mindful of each breath. How does your body feel in the chair? Feel the weight of each limb. Allow thoughts to slip through your mind and passively observe. Prepare to be amazed.
  12. Play a game! Whether it's an intense match of chess or a silly round of Apples to Apples, games are a great way to unwind and connect with family and friends.
  13. Dance to your favorite song - this time of the year, I'm rocking out to some Christmas tunes. Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Vesak, Diwali, or no holiday at all, music is a way to bring us all together. Dance is a superb way to show it, and get some cardio in the process! 
  14. Learn. Dive into a brand new book, or go exploring a whole new concept on the web. Make some neuron connections. Visit the library or a museum. Grow that big ol' brain of yours, and you shall be rewarded.
  15. Stretch and Sleep. Mobility is super important in a Primal lifestyle, and a good dose of yoga is good for the body and the soul. You'll feel amazing afterward, and more relaxed as well. And a good night's sleep? There is nothing better.
These are just the tip of the iceberg. What coping skills work for you? Do you have any ideas that I should try? Let me know in the comments below!

Take a deep breath, and enjoy the moment!

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash


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