New Year, New Resolutions

Happy New Year, all! 2017 is (finally) behind us - luckily, I can say that my family suffered no traumas other than the presidential election. Hello, 2018! I always get really, really excited at the prospect of a New Year. It is a time for celebration and new beginnings, hope and possibilities. I know 2018 will be a great one. I also know that the best way to kick off a New Year is to make some goals.
One of my resolutions this year is to journal more. Studies show that journaling has innumerable mental health benefits. The hobby can help one to manage their emotions, prioritize a busy schedule, and work on positive self talk. And journaling is for everyone, which is even better. No matter your gender, ethnicity, color, or age, you can put pen to paper.
So, I made an action plan. I traveled the whole nine miles to the local Barnes and Noble. I stood in front of the Journal Section for way too long. I decided on one. I bought it. I clicked open my Pilot G-2 07 and picked a journaling prompt out of the little jar on my bedside table. It was surprisingly satisfying.
Today, I thought I would share with you a set of journaling prompts to get you through the month of January. I'll be going through with them, too. Should be a challenge, eh? Let's do this together. Five minutes or so a day shouldn't be too bad.

Maya’s January Journaling Challenge: Prompts

  1. List ten things you want to accomplish this year. Why are these important to you? How will you reach these goals?
  2. One thing I need to work on is…
  3. Write about the place that you call home.
  4. Sum up what you believe on one page.
  5. Who are you?
  6. What is something you struggle with?
  7. List five things that make you really happy, and five things that really don’t.
  8. Write a letter to anyone in the world.
  9. What inspires you? Why?
  10. Tell me about a movie you absolutely love. Then go watch that movie.
  11. Write about a lesson you learned the hard way.
  12. What are you most proud of? What are you most afraid of?
  13. Describe your day in thirteen words.
  14. List a quote that inspires or represents you?
  15. How are you feeling today? Why? What are you going to do about that feisty emotion?
  16. What does your ideal day look like? What do you do? Who do you see? What do you eat? How do you dress?
  17. Tell me about your favorite sport. Why is it so amazing?
  18. What is the best part of a rainy day?
  19. What is something that you regret?
  20. Write about a dream you have that seems impossible.
  21. List the people that make your life better.
  22. If you received $10,000 you HAD to spend on yourself, what would you do with it?
  23. If I could go to any point in the past or future, I would…
  24. Describe a book that you love and could never, ever grow tired of.
  25. Tell me about a fruit you dislike and why.
  26. Describe your best friend.
  27. Who and what are you grateful for?
  28. Thoughts on this quote: “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”
  29. A place you’d love to travel to.
  30. List bad habits you would like to break.
  31. How did your first month of journaling go? What are some things you did well this month? What are your goals for next month?

Thanks for joining me on my monthly challenge! Happy 2018, everyone. I wish the best to you and to everyone that you love.

Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash 


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