Asiago Garlic Asparagus

Ah, asparagus. The nemesis of my childhood. My mom used to steam it and slather it in butter; needless to say, the only reason I ate it (nosed wrinkled) was to earn dessert. The same held true for brussel sprouts. The mention of the green veggie, and 'Lil Maya promptly squealed: ewwwww! Nowadays, my relationship with juniper foods has changed dramatically; in fact, they make up the majority of my diet! The secret, I've discovered, to really good veggies is a really good method for cooking them. Steaming, overall, just isn't my thing. The occasional floret of steamed broccoli is mediocre, but I positively adore roasted vegetables.  If I ever win an Oscar, you can bet that I'll be thanking the creator of the oven, because roasted broccoli... that stuff is the bomb! Don't even mention roasted brussel sprouts with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Or roasted asiago garlic asparagus.
In fact, I whipped up a batch of asiago roasted asparagus last night to accompany a delicious Kefir Marinated Chicken from Mark's Daily Apple. It was a hit! Even my little sister gobbled it up, and we know how picky little sisters and brothers can be. Quick, convenient, and scrumptious, you can't go wrong with a side of asiago garlic asparagus. Pair it with a nice soup, or perhaps a fillet of salmon. Mmmmm.... now I'm hungry.

Asiago Garlic Asparagus for 4

  • 2 bundles of fresh asparagus (bonus point if it's organic!)
  • Olive or avocado oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • About a teaspoon to two teaspoons of garlic, minced
  • As much shredded asiago cheese as your hungry heart desires
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Wash and dry your asparagus thoroughly, and either cut or snap off the woody ends. Distribute evenly on the lined baking sheet. Drizzle with olive or avocado oil and salt and pepper to taste. Spread your minced garlic evenly over the asparagus - the quantity of garlic will depend 1) on the folk eating the asparagus, 2) on your taste for garlic, and 3) how worried you are that a vampire is going to break into your house. Place baking sheet in preheated oven for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, shred your asiago cheese. After fifteen minutes, remove your asparagus from the oven and sprinkle with your asiago cheese. How much? To that I say, the more, the merrier! Return baking sheet to the oven and roast for another 5 to 7 minutes. If you want your cheese to brown, feel free to use the broiler. In total, the asparagus will have roasted for about 20 to 25 minutes. Remove from oven and enjoy! You may be tempted to eat it directly off of the pan, which I highly recommend; however, be careful not to burn yourself!

Enjoy your healthy, tasty masterpiece of a side dish!

Photo by Stephanie Studer on Unsplash


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