My Favorite Exercises

"Just one more squat!" - Maya

Every day, my alarm goes off at 7:00 A.M. Unless it's a weekend, because those are designed to sleep in, do laundry, and meal prep. Every day, I eat breakfast and sip a cup of green tea. Then you'd better watch out, because my power mode turns on. I brush my teeth, tie my hair up, and change into my Under Armour gear (which I bought from an outlet because that stuff is expensive!). I head to the gym in the basement. My finger presses play on my Motivation Playlist and - BAM! We are off! The world turns into sweat and a rush of endorphins and music! Why do I love exercising? Well, for one, it's really empowering. I finish my pull-ups or dead-bugs and feel like I can conquer the world. For another, it gets my day going on the right track. I have found that when I workout, I feel better at school, am more awake, and am overall happier. What more can you ask for than joy? Finally, I know it is good for me. I love the challenge. I love the journey. I love the results. Exercise is kind of like my meditation; it's that fifteen to forty minutes a day where I am blissfully alone and can dance like a maniac in between sets.

And yes, reader. I said fifteen to forty minutes. Chronic cardio really isn't my thing - it doesn't get you very far and can cause far more damage than good. Plus, who on Earth has enough time to slave away on an elliptical for hours? I certainly don't. Hence my love for HIIT, body weight training, and strength training. Sometimes I mix it up a little with yoga, dynamic stretching, and pilates. As for walks? They're the best! (Can you hear my dogs barking their approval?) But honestly, I believe you should do what you love when it comes to physical activity. Here's a list of my absolute favorite exercises! I recommend looking in to them to learn about proper technique and execution:

  1. Squats. Did you see my little quote up there at the top? Did that maybe give a little bit of insight as to my fav? Although I've been doing squats for ages, they always manage to leave me insanely sore. Like, can't-sit-on-a-chair-the-next-day sore. That burn is totally worth it! Jump squats are great, too.
  2. Pull-ups. #ArmDayEveryDay isn't really what I do, because it's just as important to let your body rest as it is to move it! Additionally, you need to work your whole body for maximum impact. However, arm day is definitely my favorite. My family has this super awesome pull-up bar that you hang on a door frame. It is the best! Pull-ups are really hard, though, so I recommend doing assisted pull-ups at first, by either jumping off the ground (careful!) or standing on a chair.
  3. Windshield wipers. This one is a star of my core workouts - you pretty much lie flat on your back with your legs together, straight up in the air, perpendicular to the floor. Then, keeping your legs straight, you lower them to your right and left sides. They should look like (gasp!) windshield wipers! They're an extra great move on rainy days (wink, wink).
  4. Dead-bugs. The name isn't really appealing, I know - it's actually kind of sad. That is, if you're like me, a devoted ladybug and roly-poly lover. But the name isn't the point. I didn't make it up. You lie on your back, with your arms straight up in the air. Your knees should be bent, with your thighs perpendicular to the floor and your calves parallel. Lower your right arm and your left leg to the floor, and then return them quickly to the starting position. Repeat with the left arm and the right leg. Do you feel the wildfire raging through your abs? Pretty neat, huh?
  5. Child's pose. This one is a classic yoga move. I'm a yogi. My yoga mat is my spirit animal, and child's pose is super easy and super duper relaxing. Look it up - it's how I end every workout, and it makes me feel like I'm sealing in all of my wonder-womanisms. Which are surely legitimate things.
So go ahead and try one of these out, or move to a routine of your own. Tap dance (my personal go-to). Join the swim team. Play frisbee with your friends. Maybe you'd prefer to go on a nice, long bike ride like my parents, or do some gymnastics. Walk your own dog, or borrow someone else's. It's not about having time to exercise, it is about making the time. Moving your body does not have to be a chore. Let me know what you love to do for your daily dosage of physical activity in the comments below! Just get out there, and have fun!
Remember, reader. Wonder Woman and Superman aren't fictional. They're mindsets.

"Just one more squat!"

Photo by Pat Kwon on UnsplashPhoto by Ben Weber on UnsplashPhoto by Form on Unsplash


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