Treat, Not Cheat

Everyone drones on and on about the concept of cheat days while dieting. First of all, if you are eating a Primal diet and engaging in Primal exercise, it isn't diet. It's a lifestyle - you are noshing and moving according to your goals. Secondly, the so-called "cheat day" is the sole incentive for some people to get through the week. They think to themselves: "Okay Kate (Or Tim, or Rasa, or Pranav, or Eleven... whatever your name is). If you eat this limp, kale-and-broccoli salad every day for lunch, you can go whole hog on ice cream and pies this weekend." To that I say - no thank you. I hate raw broccoli, and no amount of chocolate or candy on a weekend will ever make up for this suffering. Bleh. And Kate, or Tim, or Rasa, or Pranav, or Eleven: you're also doing it totally wrong. You shouldn't deprive yourself of delicious food just for a fleeting Saturday indulgence. The healthy foods you consume should never sacrifice on taste or allure (I suggest trying my Meal Prepped Salad - it rocks!). Moreover, eating a limp, kale-and-broccoli salad every day is no excuse to stuff your face with sweet treats later.
You need to think about balance, dear Kate Tim Rasa Pranav Eleven. And your diet is not balanced if you have a cheat day. A cheat day is the wrong motivation - you're staying healthy, not for the sake of being healthy, but for the sake of that glorious, glorious mug brownie. Plus, you tend to feel guilty about cheat days. The word cheat, well, it has a pretty negative connotation; after cheat days, I used to feel like I'd engaged in some sinful behavior. But then I had a revelation. Here is my philosophy.
Every now and again, have a treat. Be spontaneous, sporadic. It doesn't have to be every Friday or Wednesday. When you feel like something indulgent, have something indulgent, but tailor it to your dietary needs. If I'm really hankering for chocolate after a long day in chemistry, I have chocolate, but I have my chocolate smart: 85% cacao content and above. Not only am I satisfying my craving, but I'm packing in some antioxidants, healthy fat, and oleic acid. My taste buds are happy, and so is the rest of me. Plus, I can tell my chemistry teacher about the chemical potential energy in Ghirardelli 92% the next day!
Below, I've included some links to my absolute favorite Primal-approved goodies. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Do you have any that I should try?

Big Man's World Low-Carb Chocolate Mug Cake
Isn't the name enough? Quick, convenient, and oh-so yummy!

Ruled Me Creamy Keto Hot Cocoa
I made this the other night when it snowed, and my whole house smelled like cinnamon!

Low Carb Fudgy Avocado Brownies
Definitely best the next day. I whipped up the cream cheese frosting below for a twist:

I Breathe I'm Hungry Keto Cream Cheese Frosting - lick the bowl, dear friends

What I'm planning to make this Friday: Keto Diet Blog Summer Berry Galette
(please let it be good, please let it be good, please let it be good!)

And remember, your treats don't always have to be Primal approved. You'd go insane! I went to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter World a few months back, and there was no way in the world that I was going to leave without trying a pumpkin pasty. Well, that's all for today, folks.

Carpe Diem,

Photo by Brenda Godinez on Unsplash


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