Health on the Run

Life is a stressful thing. Beautiful, yes, but stressful. Some of my friends are really into team sports. They pretty much have volleyball practice for the school team, and then rush off to practice at the competitive club (cough, cough... Emma). Perhaps they have a whole eight soccer games in a weekend, like Daniela or Dylan. Others are into theatre (that'd be me, folks!), or art, or viola lessons, or whatever. My parental units are busy from dawn 'till dusk with work, and oh my gosh can I please just not grow up? As we mature, it is evident that our stress levels tend to sky rocket. So how does one remain healthy? How do you make sure to eat well when that cafeteria food is so convenient? And what about exercise? Here are my tips for staying in tip top shape while you're trying to balance an INSANE schedule:

1. Workout Quick, Workout Early. "I really regret doing that workout," said no one, ever. I find that when I exercise pronto every morning, I not only have more energy, but don't have a chance to talk myself out of extra push-ups. Morning workouts, in my experience, make my bleary-eyed self disappear; I am instead replaced with a lively, jubilant, productive version! Who can ask for more?
You don't have to slave away in the gym for hours on end, either. In fact, speedy seven minute, high intensity workouts are all the buzz of late! You can read more about them here, or here. My workouts are a little longer than seven minutes, probably clocking in around fifteen to thirty on a normal weekday. But I'm seriously considering looking into this crazy brief, crazy effective idea. Plus, if you get those squats done at dawn, you don't have to think or worry about making time to workout later. The only thing you have to think about is how sore your hamstrings are as you climb the stairs. And that brings me to number two:

2. Take the Stairs. Take the long way to second period. Play four square at lunch, or stroll around the block with your dog after work. Move as much as possible at a slow, steady rate. No need to be killing it at the gym all the time; while you want to incorporate a teensy weensy bit of cardio into your day, along with substantial weight lifting, you don't spend the majority of your day doing so. Instead, try to go at a steady pace all day long. Stretch your legs! If you're like me, you'll feel more energized.

3. Meal Prep! Meal prepping honestly saves my life. In the mornings before school, I have a workout scheduled, breakfast to devour, and a shower to take. Ain't nobody got time to make a beautiful luncheon salad! Enter, Sunday Meal Prep. Every Sunday, I drag my parents to the grocery store with me, and purchase everything I'll need for breakfast, lunch, and dinner throughout the week. When I get home, I chop the bell peppers, boil the eggs, sear the steak, portion the arugula... whatever I can do to make my life easier. Because of my Meal Prep Extravaganzas, I have both delicious comida and more tiempo. Now that, my friends, is a compromise! Just make sure you have enough tupper-ware to accommodate your prepped items.

4. Find quick, convenient, and healthy snacks! Currently, I am really into these Kirkland Protein Bars. I know what you're thinking: Maya, protein bars are loaded with carbs and sugarrrrr! How could you be recommending these? I'm recommending them, dear friends, because they are not, in fact, bursting with carbs and sugarrrrr. With four net carbs, one gram of sugar, and fifteen grams of fiber, the Chocolate Brownie is definitely my fav. Additionally, the ingredients are great! I heard from a little birdie that there is a new Cookies and Cream flavor. Guess who's excited? Sliced bell peppers or cherry tomatoes are super for when you're on the go, and you can't go wrong with a baggy of high fat nuts (macadamias are the best!). If you love your soda, try an alternative! Bai antioxidant drinks are yummy, my choice flavors being coconut, clementine, or peach. And if you need that fizz, try Zevia: your adored soda flavors, made with stevia!

5. Sleep. This one is the one I struggle with the most. After a long day, sometimes I really just want to watch a show, read, or browse Pinterest. But I've got to manage my temptations, or I'll wake up in the morning grouchy and exhausted. We can't have that! Getting in those z's provides lots of benefits. Although I love it, Pinterest won't really help me live longer. Too bad. But sleeping is nice too, so no complaints here!

6. Figure out fast food restaurants that work. If you can't make dinner one night, because Dylan has eight soccer games or Emma has two volleyball practices, don't sweat it! Find restaurants that can cater to your nutritional needs. In my neck of the woods, Tokyo Joe's is a go-to. I can build my own bowl with double veg, a fillet of salmon, and spicy green dragon sauce! We do love the green dragon sauce! They also have a tea sweetened with stevia, which is a real treat. Even some sandwich joints, like Jimmy John's, have got us covered. Order your favorite sandwich as an Unwich - that is, a sandwich in a lettuce wrap. As for Chipotle? Who can say no to a salad loaded with steak, salsa, sour cream, and guac? Mmmm....
That's all for today, folks! Do you have any other tips on how to stick to your goals when life becomes hectic? Be sure to let me know - it would absolutely make my day to hear from you!

Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on UnsplashPhoto by Marion Michele on Unsplash,


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