New Beginnings

The school year is officially over. Three months of freedom are ahead, and holy cow, I can't wait! I have big plans for this summer; lots of explorations at the farmers' market, meeting fitness goals, inventing new recipes... but this summer, the summer of 2018, is also a bittersweet one for me. It is bridging the gap between the known and the exotic. You see, next school year I am attending a different school than all of my friends. And to be completely truthful, I'm downright terrified. I have never been the new kid, except for that first day of preschool. And everyone is a new kid in preschool, so that doesn't really count. Apart from being nervous, I'm also going to miss my friends. So. Much. It takes me a bit of time to let others in. Because of this, I'm essentially jumping into the deep end of the ocean. I am stepping out of my comfort zone.

But there is good in change, reader. I'm also super duper excited! The school I am transferring to puts a special emphasis on creative writing, which is one of my biggest passions. Meeting new people will also be a bonus. New beginnings offer exciting prospects and unique opportunities. Sometimes, we have to have courage and leave the security of what is normal.

For one, change makes us stronger. We have to overcome some difficult times and brave the storm. The first day at my new school will be a challenge. In fact, I'm counting on it to be so. I won't know where I belong or who to sit with at lunch. This struggle, in the long run, will undoubtedly help me find my place and feel more assured in my identity. Hi, everyone! I'm Maya, and I will make it through the awkward new kid phase. Personal growth will be a beneficial product of my scary-ish situation.

New beginnings call for a new routine, too. On occasion, our lives fall into this boring pattern of waking up. Eating. Working out. Doing some work. Eating again. Sleeping. My friend Janhavi has told me that routine actually stresses her out. She is sick of doing the exact same thing with each rising of the sun and sleep of the moon. The only variation in her day may be having a banana with breakfast instead of an apple. I agree entirely. Routine is can become downright monotonous. There is little room for imagination when your days are dull; attitude can only take you so far with a tedious lifestyle. I have been victim to routine as well. Then I realized that I created my routine. Why not dissolve it? A breath of fresh air at a new school will certainly allow me to mix things up. I'll have to wake up at 5:30 to carpool, for a start. Which means that my workouts will be shifted to the evenings. Lots of things are going to change, but I plan on embracing them all! By the way, there is no need to change schools or jobs to innovate your schedule. Try a haircut, or find a new recipe for breakfast! Be anything but predictable, my friends.

Finally, change often results in a refreshed perspective. It forces us to reevaluate our values, morals, and decisions. It helps us to find ourselves, as silly as that may sound. In a world that is spinning around us, adapting and adjusting constantly, we have to take a deep breath and reestablish who we are. What matters to us, and who we want to be. We only have so much time in this life, so rearrangements help us to be grateful for what we have and excited for what the future holds. I will miss this chapter in my life beyond words. It has been a beautiful part of my story, with loads of gorgeous characters, settings, and plots. But, I think, it is time to move on. My backpack is packed, and my compass is spinning. I am ready for a new adventure. It is time to take the next big leap into the unknown.

Have a lovely day, folks! Remember: great things never came from comfort zones.

Photo by Slava Bowman on UnsplashPhoto by Jessica Podraza on Unsplash,
Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash


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