25 Summer Activities for the Bored

Two tall trees connecting a hammock on a tropical beachfront.
Every year, the students at my school can be counted upon to do one thing. Not to turn in their homework or remember their lunches. Certainly, that one guarantee is not the honor roll for everyone or a victory in each volleyball match. No, the one thing that the students at my school will always do is count down the moments until summer. Emma used to count by class period, while Taylor tracked the days. A summery feeling always seems to settle around us before the holiday actually comes. It is agony to sit in a stifling science class when the breeze and the sunshine call to you through the windows. Pure agony, my friends.

And then summer break does roll around, everyone screams and cheers as the final bell of the day rings. We exchange numbers and sign yearbooks, and revel in the pure joy of two months' freedom! Our glee that homework has come to a close lasts a while. No more geometry! No more verb conjugations! But then, we become outright bored, miserable in the 100 degree weather. We start longing for the school year to arrive once more, if only for something to do. 'Yay, finally Summer!' becomes 'Hurry up, Summer!' Well, at least that happens to me.

So here is my list of 25 things to do for the Bored. I suggest having a large glass of iced green tea while you're reading this - perhaps that will refresh your past eagerness for these days in the sun!
  • Write down your goals. Summer time is the perfect time to strive for something that's been on your mind for quite a while. Want to improve your fitness? Draft a routine and a plan, and go get started on those pull-ups.
  • Walk! Just get out there and move your legs. Walking is beneficial for your body and can be meditative for the mind. As a creative writer, I find that my best ideas come to me on nice, long walks. Your furry friend will love it, too.
  • Go to the library. I don't know about you, but reading is one of my absolute favorite hobbies. Unfortunately, I have very little time to read for pleasure during the school year; because of this, my summer is partially dedicated to diving into novels.
  • Try a new recipe. Food is one of the greatest pleasures in life, but you'll get a little tired of eating the same thing for breakfast every. Single. Day. So don't! Explore The Avocado and Me, other Primal blogs, or cookbooks for some tasty inspiration.
  • Create your own recipe! There really isn't anything more thrilling than experimentation. Go get your apron on, wash your paws, and get going! The world of flavors and textures is at your command. Sometimes, I find it helps to browse through cooking magazines to gather ideas for my own dish.
  • Workout. Your excuse of  'not having enough time' has just run its course, ladies and gents! And your don't even need a gym membership. Use your very own body to engage in some push-ups, squats, windshield wipers, or Russian twists. If you have dumbbells, don't be afraid to try them out either. Strengthen your body, my friend. You'll like the results.
  • Go the the Farmer's Market. The Farmer's Market is my safe haven. All of the bustling people and the barking puppies make me beam. And don't mention the produce. Mmmm... I could do with a farm fresh tomato right this second. 
A spread of various sliced fruits.

  • Swim at the pool. It's only open for awhile, folks, so you'd better enjoy it! I'm not a huge fan of swimming myself, but it can be loads of fun when you're playing games with friends. Swimming is also excellent for your body. Have a blast, but don't forget your sunscreen!
  • Watch a movie. Personally, I cannot WAIT to see Incredibles 2! We're going to the theater on Sunday, and I'm thrilled! Mind you, there is no need to go to a theater if you've got a TV and a disc in your very own living room. Settle in with your most comfy blankets and enjoy the show!
  • Hang out with your friends. You don't need to have a party or a celebration to spend time with your friends. Host a game night, or have a sleepover. It's important to maintain your relationships over the long summer. And remember - no one likes to feel left out! Strive to invite over a variety of people.
  • Complete a challenge. No, I AM NOT talking about the cinnamon challenge or the saltine challenge. I'm not talking about stupid stunts that could kill you (cough, cough... Tide Pods. Really?) Instead, engage in a healthy challenge. Strive to workout six times a week, or to walk a mile every day. Do a two minute plank a day. Do something that is both fun and difficult.
  • Start a journal! You may well remember the post we had featuring bullet journals a few weeks ago. While I love my Bullet Journal, you don't have to get too fancy. Purchase a spiral, or put some blank sheets into a binder. Write, draw, make lists, track your progress... do something. Not only will it help you stay organized, but it will be lovely to look back on in a few years.
  • Clean your room. I know. This isn't exactly a fun thing to do. It's definitely not the reason we look forward to summer during grueling exams. But it's also important. Do your laundry, and PUT IT AWAY this time. Dust your fake plants, or rearrange your colored pencils. You'll feel refreshed and accomplished once you're done, and then there will be plenty of summer left to make it nice and messy again.
  • Learn a new language. Have you heard of Duolingo? It's this wonderful website and app that lets you learn a new language, for free! From Spanish to Swedish to Swahili, you've got a selection of tongues at your fingertips. Visit Duolingo today to learn more! I promise you, it's entertaining and instructive. And you'll be ahead next year in your foreign language class!
  • Play night games. Night games are simple enough - you literally gather a group of friends, wait until darkness has fallen, and play games outside. It's surprisingly thrilling! My favorite by far is flashlight tag. One person has a flashlight, and seeks other players in the night. The players can run and hide, within the boundaries set at the beginning of the game. A large park will do nicely, or a cul-de-sac. Just don't hide in other people's yards. And I always advise not hiding under a pine tree. I hid under one once with Maddi, and my legs haven't been the same since. 
  • Go for a run! Speaking of Maddi, she and a few of my other friends are doing cross country next year. Because of this, they have to train over the summer. Maddi ran about 5.2 miles the other day, and has qualified for junior varsity! I'm so proud of her. But more importantly, she loves it. Lace up your shoes and get out there! It's a chance to explore nature and push your personal limits. Again - remember your sunscreen, and a water bottle.
  • Take a class. From pottery to Pilates, lots of classes are typically available at your local rec center. They can be a blast, and you'll meet new people! The skills you will acquire should be noted, also. Maddi and Taylor did Zumba classes together for awhile, and absolutely adored them. Talk about quality time spent with a friend!
A child making a funny face while wearing goofy American patriotic glasses with plastic stars

  • Have a BBQ! Summer is BBQ season! Grill some steaks, or whip up ribs with a sugar-free rub. Serve with blistered green beans and some coleslaw, and perhaps some potato salad if you're looking for resistant starch. Make a keto or primal dessert, and you're ready to go! Make sure you've got some activities planned - water games are always wonderful!
  • Go on an adventure! You don't need an airplane or tons of money to have an adventure, although those things would be super. Instead, try a long bike ride with your family or friends to a new play park, reservoir, or shopping center. No one is too old for the monkey bars, in my opinion. Or take a small road trip to a destination near your home which you have (gasp!) never been to. It's a treat to see the beauty in one's own community.
  • Go to the mall! Now, I'll be frank. I used to hate the mall. I didn't want to go shopping, I wanted nothing to do with the food court, and... well, it just wasn't my cup of tea. But things change. I've decided the mall is a great way to 1) socialize, 2) walk, and 3) purchase unnecessary but fun things. You know what I mean. There's always that one shirt or candle or pair of Nike's that you didn't know needed until right that second. And as for the food court, there are usually halfway decent salads. There are worse crimes than wilted lettuce.
  • Start a garden. When we first moved into my current house, there was a tiny garden in the corner of the yard, running wild with weeds. Sadly, my parents decided to demolish it all together and replace it with a little sitting area. So there is no room for growing asparagus, broccoli, or carrots for me. My friend Emily has an excellent garden, however. Every year, they plant tomatoes, sunflowers, pumpkins, herbs... practically everything. Emily suggested I create my own herb garden as it takes up little space. That's a viable option. Or, you could do it my sister's way by purchasing a hanging strawberry plant.
  • Pick up something new from the grocery store. Do you know what nopales are? Ever tried dragon fruit? It's both interesting and educational to pick up something different from the grocer's once a week. I like to think that with every new flavor, one is broadening their horizons. Typically, I stick to the produce, as I'm pretty sure that most of it is primal. But the International Aisle is fabulous, too! 

  • Volunteer. Giving back to your community is a truly rewarding experience. Helping others is one of my core values, so volunteering is something I really enjoy. See if you can assist at your local memory care center or nursing home. Animal shelters are always on the lookout for helpers! You can even volunteer within your own home by picking up an extra chore.
  • Plan a future trip for when you are older, wiser, and actually have money. Fantasizing about far off places is a magical thing. But putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard to research and plan is even more exciting! You may never go on the trip you plan, but it'll be a learning experience just to organize it. I would love to go to Edinburgh, Scotland. Where would you like to go? How will you get there? What are some things you are dying to do? Write them down! Who knows? Perhaps one day your dream will become reality.
  • Take some time to relax. The school year is just around the corner, and work will always be there. It's important that we take care of ourselves so that we may take care of our tasks. Have a glass of iced tea, or do some yoga. Sleep in. Meditate, write down what you are grateful for, and smile. It's a beautiful day.

Well, there you go everybody! I hope you're all enjoying your summer so far. There is little that compares to waking up to a shining sun and the sound of twittering birds, don't you think? What are some of your favorite ways to spend these gloriously warm weeks?

Summer is a state of mind.


Photo by James Connolly on UnsplashPhoto by Caju Gomes on Unsplash,
Photo by Brooke Lark on UnsplashPhoto by Vicko Mozara on Unsplash,
Photo by frank mckenna on UnsplashPhoto by Stefan Kunze on Unsplash,
Photo by Andy Abelein on Unsplash


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