
Hello! One moment - I just need to finish this last math problem... and let me do a few jumping jacks... oh, and I'd better respond to Lily's text... okay. I'm back. How has your week been so far, everyone? Have you been uber busy? I know that I have! After this blog post, I need to make dinner (Savory Sweet Potato Waffles), review my English papers, work on a story for creative writing, study for my math and Spanish quizzes, and take some notes for AP Human Geography. I'll make my smoothie for tomorrow's breakfast, my lunch, and prepare my backpack for another school day. And then, you know. I guess I'll have to do things like breathe, sleep, and eat. We aren't even two weeks into high school, and I'm already swamped.

To-do lists can be stressful. Despite the flowery calligraphy and pictures I integrate into my bullet journal, the agenda it holds makes me feel like curling up into a ball and hibernating for all eternity. Have you ever had so much to do that you don't even know where to start? If not, you are one lucky duck.

We live in a society today where work always comes first. You know the quote "Work Hard, Play Hard"? Sometimes, it seems as though life is all work and little to no play. People are judged and respected based on their efficiency. We form opinions about others according to the amount of pressure and deadlines and projects they can shoulder before snapping. Hard work is a value integrated so deeply into Americans' national identity; as for my readers around the world, I wouldn't be surprised if resilience is a trait admired in your cultures, too. We are constantly looking ahead, working for an intangible future, and in the process, can lose sight of what is truly important. Work is great, my friends. I love to work! My dad likes to quip that even if all of my homework is finished, I will find another task to move on to. But it is crucial that we as a society make sure that there is a sufficient balance between working and life.

Don't you just adore the idea of relaxation? Perhaps for you, relaxing means diving into an interesting book, or watching a show. Relaxation could be drawing a picture, heading to the gym, playing sports, or enjoying a simple cup of tea. That is the wonderful thing about unwinding; it is an incredible coping mechanism, and looks different for each person on the planet. My sister, Abby, codes to let off some steam, my mom reads outside, my dad plays the drums, and I either exercise or blog. Whatever works for you is perfect. Now, I invite you to consider the last time you really entered a state of mental repose. I don't mean the last time you read three pages of a novel before realizing you had something more productive to do. No. Ponder when you last let your thoughts wander, were mindful, and at peace with everything around you.

I'd be willing to bet that this 'last time' was long ago. Too long.

You see, we are always, always working. There is always, without fail, another thing to cross off of one our endless lists. Groceries, chores, errands, emails to send, calls to return, songs to write, homework to do - they go on and on. The problem? While we are busy checking off boxes on our countless, color-coded lists, life passes us by. In the words of poet Amanda Lovelace,

"ah, life -
the thing
that happens
to us
while we're off
somewhere else
blowing on
& wishing
ourselves into
the pages of
our favorite
fairy tales."

You only live once. You have one chance to explore this world, meet new people and love them, adopt pets, eat delicious cuisine, and experience joy. This day, this minute, this very second - it will never happen again. You can't decide to go back an hour and change something. You can't speak unspoken truths. There are no re-do's.

This is why I firmly believe in living life in balance. Go ahead. Work, draft emails, and pursue your passions fearlessly. But also ensure that you have time for you - weeks and weeks of endless projects will wear you out, and where is the fun in doing the same thing each and every day? Try to mix it up! Save at least five minutes a day for yourself; remember, self-care is NOT selfish. Spend that five minutes doing something you love. Read a few pages of a book, listen to a tune, dance without apology. Whenever possible, increase the quantity of "me moments" in your day. You'll feel better for it, and when you work again, you'll feel refreshed and energized. Just take a minute to breathe in and out. Be happy.

Life goes by in the blink of an eye - make sure you are living it to its fullest extent.
- Maya

P.S. If you'd like a concise, literal interpretation of balancing your life: your body is more stable if you stand on two legs than it is if you stand on one (shocker, I know). Similarly, for increased level-headedness and joy, try to distribute the weight of your life evenly between work and play.

Photo by Ostin Thammavongsa on UnsplashPhoto by Form on Unsplash,
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on UnsplashPhoto by Dalton Touchberry on Unsplash
Photo by Corey Motta on Unsplash


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