Arm Day!

Do you know what I think is absolutely ridiculous? When schools prohibit girls from wearing tank tops. Actually, in my most humble opinion, all dress codes are pretty silly; sure, people shouldn't be wearing insanely short shorts or superman suits to biology, but I believe that people should not only be allowed, but encouraged, to express themselves. Well, my old school didn't quite agree with me. Students, especially girls, were dress coded all the time. And the most ludicrous thing that they were scolded for were tank tops.

There is something called summer. Have you heard of it? Summer involves really, really hot weather in my neck of the woods. I'm talking ninety to one-hundred degree days, everyone. But if a single girl dared to dressed in a tank top on one of these scalding afternoons, they were promptly instructed to put on a jacket. You see, tank tops show shoulders. And shoulders were apparently distracting. Hmm. Do you think shoulders are distracting? I sure don't. Thankfully, the rules have been changed this year, and no one has yet failed a math test because a girls' shoulder was distracting them.

Now, I think that anyone can wear a tank top. Tank tops are kind of like swimsuits - the definition of a bikini body is as follows: if you have a body, put a bikini on it! Likewise, if you have a body, put a tank top on it. As a fitness guru myself, I absolutely love arm day. When I've worked on strengthening my arms and wear a tank top, I feel a little extra boost of confidence. Plus, having strong arms is great because you can challenge your cousin to a pull-up test and win. Here are some of my favorite exercises to get those arms nice and toned:

- Skull crushers. This move is an effective way to work your triceps - make sure that you only use a weight you are comfortable lifting; to provide some perspective, I started off with 3 pound dumbbells and now use either eight or twelve pounds. It feels absolutely incredible to know that you are getting stronger each and every day.

- Hammer curls. These are kind of like bicep curls, which will appear lower on my list, but instead of turning the inside of your arm outwards, you keep your elbows facing your torso. Challenging and empowering, hammer curls have a special place in my heart.
- Triceps Kick Backs. You'll need an exercise bench or a stable chair for this difficult move; yes, I said difficult, but Triceps Kick Backs are still some of my favorites.
- Overhead Dumbbell Press. This is the kind of move that comes to mind when I think of people weight training in movies; hoisting weights over their heads while keeping the rest of their body tight and balanced. You may or may not feel like a superhero while doing overhead dumbbell presses.
- Bicep curls. These are quite similar to hammer curls, but there are a few key differences. Be sure to research form for each exercise so that you do not run the risk of injuring yourself.
- Standing Dumbbell Rear-Deltoid Fly. If you felt like a strong super human with the overhead dumbbell presses, you'll feel like you're training to fly with this one. This exercise is superb for shoulder strength.

- Standing Triceps Extensions. Similar to Skull Crushers, the Standing Triceps Extensions will work your (you guessed it!) triceps. It is a stimulating exercise for the upper arms, leaves you quite sore, and warrants a snack of pecans, goat cheese, and balsamic vinaigrette.
- Standing Dumbbell Rows. Hey, look at you! You might just make the rowing team if you get strong enough to do this exercise!
- Pull-ups. Please, please, please, dear reader, ensure that, if you are using a pull-up, it is stable. If you fell, I would feel downright awful. Pull-ups are very challenging, as they put both your arms and your core to work. Make sure not to confuse them with their simpler cousin, the Chin-up. While Chin-ups are fantastic as well, pull-ups will test your strength even more.
- Push-ups. I find push-ups to be very difficult, as I have fragile wrists. If you're anything like me, try balling your hands into fists. It'll change the exercise a bit, but you'll still get the benefits of a good push- up.

There are so many splendid exercises you can try at home or in the gym, with equipment or without. Body weight training is one of the best things in the entire world; not only is it extraordinarily convenient and inexpensive, but you can literally work on getting stronger anywhere! On vacation in the Bahamas? Drop and give me twenty. Or maybe don't. Remember that rest, sleep, and good nutrition are just as important as working out to maintain your overall health. It's good to give your body a break - you deserve it!

What do you call a Jedi with one arm? Hand Solo.
Have a lovely Friday, my friends.
- Maya

P.S. Keep an eye out for an exciting new post titled "What Is Beautiful?" over the next few days. Many of you have contributed to this piece, and I can't wait to share it with the world!

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash, Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash,
Photo by Alora Griffiths on UnsplashPhoto by Sammy O. on Unsplash,
Photo by Jenny Hill on UnsplashPhoto by bruce mars on Unsplash


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