What Is A Woman? A Poem

Hello, everyone! As you all may or may not know, I recently downloaded Instagram. It's actually pretty cool - I've always been a little bit hesitant about getting social media, as I really, really don't want to be on my phone even more than I already am. But my pal Lily convinced me so... here we are! The last few days have been pretty incredible; yesterday, I had my birthday (I'm getting my permit soon, and my worst fear is that I will crash into a tree), and it was also World Mental Health Day! And then there is today, October 11, 2018, which is the International Day of the Girl.

To be quite frank, I didn't know this holiday existed until I saw Emma Watson's Instagram post this morning. But holy cow, am I excited about it! I believe that celebration is an extraordinary thing, and that we should revel in each and every day we have to breathe, learn, and experience everything this world has to offer. I feel that is especially crucial, however, to recognize the people on Earth. We are constantly shaped by those we interact with on a day to day basis. Each new person we meet presses their fingerprint onto our lives. Although material objects are wonderful, the people and relationships that come with life are the things that make it truly worth living. I don't care if you're a boy, a girl, or identify as a different gender altogether. You are worth honoring. You should always be celebrated, because you are a human being.

Often, however, genders are not represented as having the same value. In Saudi Arabia, women just recently were permitted the right to drive. Women also make less money than their male counterparts in much of the world, even though they complete the exact same job. Then there is the fact that women continue to take care of the household, are the minority in government and the technological world, and are at a greater risk for rape and sexual assault. Please, reader, remember that men can be raped, too. The male population also suffers from inequality. This being said, however, women still tend to be impacted by traditional gender norms more so the men. We are still not yet accepted as entirely equal.

Today, on International Day of the Girl, let's all work to change this. The very definition of feminism revolves around the equality of all genders and sexes. That is all. It does not discuss gender superiority in any shape, way, or form. It is all about equality. Remember that every day, with each word you say and every action you take, you have the chance to promote gender equality. Treat yourself, and your peers, with unwavering respect. Understand that no one is perfect. And know that you have the power to change the world around you. Here is a poem I wrote in my creative class discussing the ways in which much of society views women; please note that this is not an autobiographical piece. I didn't make that quite clear when I read the poem to my fellow creative writers, and I got a few concerned looks. I'd like to reassure you that this poem is not about me. But it so easily could be, my friends. Women all over the world experience relationships like the one that manifests itself in my piece, and it is time for change.

What Is A Woman
By Maya

When I cut my hair that June, and you watched as long curls of
Wild mahogany trickled to the ground,
like sap to the forest floor,
Don’t think that I didn’t see the disappointment in your

And that time I told you we needed to make a trip to the store
For some lavender shampoo, a new dress, and mascara?
Don’t think I missed your lust, poison dripping from your grin.

But when I pull on my shorts to go for a run around the park,
Simply for the pleasure of feeling the thump, thump-thump, thump of my
Worn tennis shoes beating like a heart, to feel the rush of
Endorphins and to just be free, you say
‘Have a good run,’ and it is as plain as day that you appreciate
My wearing those shorts more than my ambition
To better myself.

Sometimes I like to imagine how you must see me, all smiles and
Crop tops and cat-ear filters. I wonder if
That is all you see. If that is
All you want to see.
I wonder if you know what pasta shape is my favorite
(Rigatoni), or that my cousin went deaf in one ear after her school was ripped
Like a book by its seams by a madman with an
And do you know what shoe size I wear (6 and 1/2) or what the hummingbird tattoo on my
left wrist
Means to

No. No,
You do not.

All that matters about the tattoo on my left wrist is that it is
A part of my body,
A part of my figure,
A part of my illusion.

And permit me to ask -

Is this how you see a woman?

Thanks for tuning in, everyone. Today, on International Day of the Girl, and in the years to come, let's all band together to create and promote a spirit of egalitarianism and justice in our world. It's time.

Have a superb Thursday!
- Maya

Photo by Calvin Lupiya on UnsplashPhoto by Jyotirmoy Gupta on Unsplash,
Photo by sean Kong on UnsplashPhoto by Lauren Richmond on Unsplash,
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash


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