The Top 7: January

This morning, I woke up shivering. I suppose it made sense - I was lying in a sleeping bag, on the floor of my best friend's guest room, and the fan was on. I'd also made the mistake of sleeping in a tank top and light sweatpants; note to self - don't wear tank tops in January. It's a recipe for goosebumps. Upon checking the clock on my phone, I realized I'd also risen an hour and half before our alarm was scheduled to go off. My friends were still in dream land, it was pitch black outside, and I had no clue where I'd put my glasses. So I decided to spend the remaining time lying, wide-eyed, in my sleeping bag, thinking about what I wanted to write today. What did I come up with in that hour and half? Nothing. Nada. Jack squat.

This is a struggle not remotely unique to me; there are days when every writer (blogger or otherwise) realizes they are creatively parched. On occasion, I don't have a single idea in my head; there are no sparks. No flashes of color. Every drop of inspiration seems to have gone down the drain. And if I do happen to stumble across an idea, it is nearly impossible to do it justice on paper. This situation, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and everyone in between, is called Writer's Block. Let me tell you - it is extremely aggravating. But it's also an excellent teacher. Like nearly every other obstacle in the world, Writer's Block can be overcome. It might take a really, really long time, but as long as you force your barren mind to become lush with imagination once more, you'll get there in the end.

So that's what I did today, my friends. Thought and thought and thought for 90 minutes, waiting for my friends to rise. Dreamed and dreamed and dreamed while finishing up my weekend homework. Fantasized, envisioned, and pictured during my work out. And finally, I got there. Finally. The ironic part? This post is, in theory, rather simple. Although this wonderfully slushy and brisk January isn't over, I'll be chatting with you all about my favorite things from this month. Pretty straightforward, no?Yet, the idea for this post took me hours to conceptualize. It happens. You overcome it. Life goes on. 

And without further ado, dear reader, I present to you... my Top 7 for January 2019. Please enjoy!

- Show: Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Have you heard of Marie Kondo? If not, you're in for a treat! A four-foot, seven-inch connoisseur of Japanese organizing, Marie Kondo takes frazzled LA families through the KonMari decluttering method, which places emphasis on cultivating joy. Marie has her clients and friends pick up each item they own, one by one, and ask "does this item spark joy in my life?" I truly appreciate not only Marie's sweet, bubbly nature, but also her outlook on tidying; quite apart from being centered around getting rid of all of one's things, Marie stresses the importance of keeping things that one loves. This show does not only consist of watching people fold clothes, however. Throughout each episode, the viewer witnesses the ways in which Marie and her KonMari method lift the moods of the clients, improve relationships, and help people be their best selves. Tidying Up with Marie Kondo is not only centered around the asthetic of homes, but also the spiritual and psychological benefits of cleaning (you can read more about this here). After watching this Netflix original, I was left feeling inspired, motivated, and happy. There is no better word for it. Happy. This show certainly sparks joy for me!

- App: Mark Lauren's 'You Are Your Own Gym' Body-weight Program. Guys. This app is incredible. If you are looking to work on your health and fitness in the new year, download it ASAP! You have literally no excuses not to work out with Lauren's program because... you don't need any equipment! That's right! No dumbbells, kettle-bells, resistance bands, fancy Nike's, or gym bags necessary. As much as I adore free weights, I've learned that my workout can be just as effective using a tool I already possess - my bodyweight. Think push-ups, pull-ups, squats, tabatas, etc. Additionally, you can do (practically) all of these exercises anywhere in the world! On vacation? Cool. Feel free to simply enjoy and take a few days off, but if you're in the mood for a workout, simply open up the Body-weight app! Not only are Lauren's programs convenient and accessible, but they are also extraordinarily timely, and superb for all fitness levels. It's pretty much like having a digital personal trainer. This app costs $4.99 on iTunes, and is, in my humble opinion, worth every penny.

- Self Care/ Beauty: Yes to Tomatoes Clear Skin Acne Fighting Bubbling Paper Mask. My mom picked up this face mask for me one day at Target, and I'm so glad she did. Not necessarily because it made a huge impact on my skin (you probably have to use these quite a lot to see any change), but because it was the most hilarious thing ever. You wash your face, unfold the mask, shape it to your skin, and let it rest for a few minutes. It starts off looking just like a normal (red) face mask. By the time you're ready to take it off and rinse your face, it has filled with dense, white bubbles. When I looked in the mirror, I started laughing so hard I nearly inhaled some of the foam. You see, it's hard not to laugh when you look like Darth Maul with terrible eczema. So if you're in need of a good laugh, and a mostly natural, cleansing skin care routine, don't hesitate to try these out. They're quite fun.

- Recipe: Paleo Leap's Cauliflower and Bacon Hash. I made this for dinner one night with some frozen riced cauliflower and thick uncured bacon - oh my. It was FABULOUS. Try adding some Tillamook Cheddar Cheese for an extra creamy dish, and some fresh chives. The recipe says that the fried eggs are optional, but I would beg to differ; they truly made the dish. I served this delectable meal with Birch Bender's Paleo Waffles, and I'm proud to say that even my incredibly picky little sister enjoyed it. A nod of approval from Abby is a rare thing, indeed.

- Book: Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. I'll be completely honest - I haven't liked a single book we've read in my English Honors class this year. They've all been insanely simplistic and easy, and my teacher's lessons have been sub-par. Krakauer's Into the Wild is the one text I've actually enjoyed to date, and we aren't even done with it! Just ten chapters in, I'm already immersed in Krakauer's wonderfully descriptive writing style, fantastic imagery, and powerful characterization. His exploration of the death of Chris McCandless, an American itinerant traveler, is thorough and one heck of an emotional roller coaster. My teacher, Mr. benEzra, warned us at the beginning of the unit not to get too attached to Chris; however, with Krakauer's phenomenal writing, it is impossible not to connect to the young man who threw away his comfortable life in exchange for adventure. A masterful exemplar of writing a piece backwards to forwards, Into the Wild merges a slightly challenging vocabulary with a fascinating (true) story, drawing the reader in. I never thought I'd say this about homework, but I'm having a hard time putting this book down.

- Beverage: TAZO Organic Peachy Green Tea. This tea, dear reader. It's not the gossip kind. It's the kind you boil a kettle of water for, let steep for three minutes, and enjoy. TAZO's Organic Peachy Green Tea is the kind of tea that fogs up my glasses every gosh darn time (perhaps it's time for me to try contacts?). About a year ago, I got really into green tea. Previously, I'd simply indulged in herbal or black teas, because no one in my family liked green. "It tastes like dirt," my mom said. Well, I soon came to disagree. I absolutely adore the earthy tones of green tea, finding them to be both refreshing and (quite literally) grounding. But TAZO's Organic Peachy Green Tea was a whole different level of deliciousness. I tossed into the cart on January 1st, and have been drinking it ever since - it retains the lovely natural flavors of simple green tea, but one can immediately detect notes of a bright peach. Tasty iced or warm, I would recommend this tea to all of my fellow caffeine-dependent life forms.

- Movie: On the Basis of Sex. It was difficult for me to pick between On the Basis of Sex and Mary Poppins Returns for my favorite January movie. While the music, acting, and magic of Emily Blunt and Lin Manuel Miranda's new film were extraordinary, I just had to select On the Basis of Sex for this post. Why? Because not only was it deeply inspiring, but it also correlates to a big movement that took place only a few days ago - the Womxn's March. My mom and I attended one of the Womxn's Sister Marches this past weekend, and wow, was it phenomenal. It is such a profound experience to march alongside thousands of others, supporting equality for all.  I felt that On the Basis of Sex, starring Felicity Jones, was deeply connected to this movement. The film tells the tale of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a strong, independent woman, new mother, and lawyer, who is working to fight for equality and end gender discrimination in the United States' courts. She faces an immense number of challenges in the process - as a woman herself, Bader Ginsburg is rarely treated by others as an equal. Nevertheless, she persists. I would recommend On the Basis of Sex to anyone and everyone. It spreads a crucial message that all people need to hear, is fabulously empowering, and will make the rest of your day really, really great.

- Runners-Up: For the Activities category, a sleepover with my friends or a hiking adventure in the mountains; for the Activism category, the Gillette 'We Believe: The Best a Man Can Be' commercial; for the Podcasts category, 'The Genius Life' with Max Lugavere. Thank you to the moon and back for tuning in, everyone! I hope you enjoyed this post. What are your top 7 so far for January 2019? Feel free to let me know in the comments below. Have a brilliant rest of your day, remember to take care of yourself this week, and happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!


Picture by Maya, Photo by Jeff Sheldon on Unsplash
Photo by Element5 Digital on UnsplashPhoto by Form on Unsplash,
Photo by Dan Gold on UnsplashPhoto by Mehmet Kürşat Değer on Unsplash,
Photo by Brenda Godinez on UnsplashPhoto by Jessica Podraza on Unsplash,
Picture by Maya


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