A Goodbye

Fun fact: Tomorrow's my last day of freshman year. Fun fact: It's also my very last day at DSA. Fun fact: Switching schools is very exciting, very terrifying, and very, very sad.

Being the new kid is tough, as I've learned this year, but it's also completely exhilarating. You have the opportunity to reinvent yourself. You get to meet the best new people. You experience things you never would have if you'd stayed in your comfort zone. If you'd stayed with the people you've known for practically your entire life. Being new is a dive into the deep end, but saying goodbye is a lot more challenging.

I've been at my current school for only a year, but in that year, I've had so many spectacular adventures. Though I absolutely miss my old friends, the friendships I made this year have been unlike any I've had before. I went through dozens of packs of cinnamon gum. My AP Human Geography table group made a book composed of funny things our teacher's said (it's called "The Fabulous Mr. Fox Out of Context"). Halfway through the school day, I have sporadically decided to dash through the May snow (climate change, people) for a cappuccino. There have been laughs, tears, and everything in between, and I have treasured every moment.

It didn't really hit me until today that I'm leaving these brilliant people, journeys, and stories behind. Very recently, my creative writing teacher, Moss, deleted my email from the thread he uses to send assignments. It really wasn't a huge deal, but it made me a bit sad. All he had to do was move the cursor, click an 'x'... and I was gone. But that's okay. All good things must come to an end, and we must say goodbye before we say hello again. Also: it would be my honor to fade from the minds of these fantastic people. The mere fact that I was in those minds for even a little bit is enough.

So, here's a prose-y poem I wrote to share with my creative writing class today. It may not make a whole lot of sense if you weren't there for the days and joys that I discuss, but I hope that you still find it mildly entertaining. Without further ado, I present to you... "A Goodbye."

This post is dedicated to Lily L., Maddie C., Megan, Maci, Clary, Hannah, Mia, Ann, Samantha, Summer, Sophie, Bethany, Ethan, Adam, Emery, Liz, Savannah, Nicky, Olivia, Hayden, Sarah, Talia, Jack, Elle, Christian, Liv, Abby, Sofia, Ace, Lily W., Zoe, Zuza, Julia, Angel, Dakota, Ellen, Leela, Finn, Peyton, Kaylen, Moss, Azar, Witt, Orezi, Emily, Madeleine, Taylor, Emma T., Janhavi, Seamus, JJ, Ella, Diego, Maddie M., Kasey, Maddie F., Gwen, Isabela, Hayden, Lorelei, Mimi, Kat, Senbi, and every other beautiful soul who added some sunshine into my year. For everyone who made me laugh.

This year, i cooked a heck of a lot of dry chicken, because if the oven is at 425 degrees, the outside cooks faster than the inside, but if it's at 350, it stays pink in the middle for ages.

Tip: If you want to whiten your teeth but whitening strips make them sore, swish with coconut oil for ten
minutes and then spit the oil into the trash. Floss and brush as normal. Works like a charm.

This year sophie, witt, and i laughed when seamus said his stummy hurt and when he realized his diet of flamin’ hot cheetos doesn’t contain the eight essential amino acids and got really worried.
Recipe: If you combine ½ cup of Birch Benders Paleo Pancake mix and ¾ cup of water and ½ cup
blueberries, you will be happy in the morning during benEzra’s class, because you’ll have a wonderful
breakfast to eat as you pretend to read Hamlet.

This year i walked my dog, and we had the best time, and it was windy and i was blasting lewis capaldi.
And then we walked up a grassy hill and sat down and everything was very still and very beautiful. And
then some boys from across the fence started catcalling me so i sprinted home, but then i noticed my
phone had fallen from my pocket, so i ran back and i went to bed that night shaking.

Tip: If you go to the Women’s March for the first time, listen to your mother and bring a jacket because it’s cold, and bring hand sanitizer, too, because the porta-potties don’t have it. And when you see Maci’s twin brother, smile and compliment his scrunchie.

This year it was my birthday and my mom didn’t buy me a gluten free cake because last time she did
that, i shoved it into my mouth crying, in the middle of the bustling restaurant, and the people getting a
bite to eat before homecoming stared at me, and i hope they had a nice time at the dance.

To Spark Joy: Run in the snow. Follow an Irish-capped fishnet girl and a red-scarved camera girl to a
town center and go to a restaurant you didn’t know existed, and try something new. Laugh with your
friends until your voice is hoarse.

This year i met a girl leaning against a brick wall, and she had short blonde hair and boots that looked
like they would hurt, and i thought, better not get on the wrong side of her.

Fact: When you polish your Doc Martens for the first time, you’ll be a little sad because it feels like you’re
scrubbing off Seattle markets and cheese shops, bee hives and muddy hikes. But then you’ll remember
that they’ll still have the same memories.

This year, the blonde boots girl became my best friend.

This year, i learned i am terrible at charcoal and mia drew a grasshopper named something posh
and ann is good at surreal toilets. Also, any questions, comments, or concerns before we start on this
fantastic friday?

Fact: The best way to watch a new Marvel movie is on opening night in a crowded theatre, and everyone
has the same reactions, and they all say “where’s Peter?” in harmony. And for some reason, the way
they are connected by these characters and worlds will make you’ll want to cry and laugh at the same

This year, i did not sleep in october and everything was a blur of time and space because you told me i
had to watch a show that would break my heart over and over. Those were the good times, and i don’t
think i’ve genuinely laughed harder, and i miss that.

Tip: when you dislocate your knee for the third time while skipping in your house, strengthen your hips
first. This is what you will read on Mayo Clinic, and this is what Abby the physical therapist will tell you.
And physical therapy is actually the best because you’ll get to hear all about Abby’s golden retriever and
her camping trips and her boyfriend from Tennessee.

This year i decided one day i want to move to new york city and live in an apartment like monica geller’s,
but that’ll be really expensive, so i’d better work hard now and save up and get a good job.

This year i wondered if maybe i shouldn’t move to new york city, maybe i should stay here, when i woke
up in the mountains at 5 in the morning to watch the sunrise with my creative writing class. And we saw
deer, and there were so many colors, and my hair was gross and greasy, and that was one of the best
moments of my life.

Recipe: if you mix together chickpeas and avocados, and cilantro, and maybe a twist of lemon juice,
you’ll make the salad we ate together on May 18th when they shocked me out of my wits. When you eat
that salad, you’ll remember how they jumped out at you, and you were gaping like a fish, and you
wanted to cry because you know you’ll miss this. Miss them.

Tip: Never take people for granted. If you love someone, tell them, because you’ll regret for the rest
of your life if you don’t. Also, time spent doubting or hating yourself is time wasted.

Question: What am I going to do without you?

Fact: McDonalds once made bubble gum flavored broccoli, which is gross. But if you ever want normal,
delicious broccoli, steam it for 5 min, 30 sec, and melt on some salted Kerrygold butter.

Conclusion: I love you all.

Thank you so much for this school year, my friends. It's been one for the books.


And here are some more photos from this year that I couldn't manage to fit into the post itself...



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