Vegan Buddha Bowls, Korean Face Masks, and Everything In Between: July Favorites

Another one of Harry Potter’s birthday months, gone. It’s crazy to think this is probably the last summer
of my entire life that I won’t have a job. Childhood feels like molasses, so slow, so steady, until it isn’t
anymore, and suddenly you’re expected to know what you want to do with your entire life by age sixteen.
It’s bonkers. Well, if it makes you feel better, all I know for certain about my future is I want to live in
New York City. Which is pretty much impossible, because it’s ridiculously expensive, but it’s still my
dream. Nope, I don’t know what college I want to go to to. I don’t know what career I want to pursue. I
don’t have the first idea about anything except for wanting to reside in the city that never sleeps, very
near to a coffee shop, doing something artsy.

Essentially, I want to live the lives of Monica, Chandler, Rachel, Ross, Phoebe, and Joey from ‘Friends.’
We’ll see how that goes, shall we?

Anywho, I’ve been trying really, really hard to savour this July, because I don’t know what my life will
look like this time next year. I made an effort to be present when we had Fourth of July dinner with my
friend Emily and her family. I enjoyed every moment I had with my friends Maddie and Megan at our
local farmer’s market. I hated every second of driving practice, and am this close to just giving up and
relying on Uber. Then I remember that I’m a female, and a small one at that, which means I can’t walk
alone in the dark or wear a low-cut shirt in the city without being catcalled or Uber by myself. What a
freaking messed up world this is. Other than disparaging over the state of our society this summer, and
worrying about global warming (it was 101 degrees in London last week? What the actual heck?!), I’ve
had a lovely time. It was a real treat to see our pals from England, and travel around our state. My yoga
practice, which had been on hold for quite awhile, resumed its normal routine, I drank way too much
cashew milk, and my sister found a love of rock climbing. It’s been a good one. Here are some of my
absolute fav recipes, items, and, well, everythings, from July 2019:

My Vegan Buddha Bowl. To make this masterpiece, all ‘ya gotta do is prepare a lot of what my grandpa
would call ‘RaBbiT FoOd.’ Really, though, it’s quite delicious and nutrient dense. Even if you’re not vegan
(I’m sure not), it is good for our planet to eat a meal without animal products once and a while. And if it
tastes wonderful, it’s all the better! For this recipe, which serves one, you’ll need: about 10 large brussel
sprouts, a few handful of sliced mushrooms, a few handfuls of kale, a lemon, a purple sweet potato
(or an orange one, purple is just prettier, in my opinion), olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sesame seeds, salt,
pepper, Tamari Gluten-Free Soy Sauce, turmeric, Italian Herbs, and ¼ - ½ cup chickpeas. To prepare
the brussel sprouts: Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Wash thoroughly, chop off the stems,
remove a few of the outside leaves, and cut in half. Place on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper.
Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and sprinkle with Italian seasoning. Bake for 15-20 minutes,
until tender with a few crispy leaves. Place in your bowl. To prepare the mushrooms: heat olive oil in a
pan. Meanwhile, pat your mushrooms with a wet paper towel to clean. When the pan is hot, add your
mushrooms, and pour in a good amount of Tamari. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. The mushrooms will be
done when they’ve absorbed and then begin to release all of the liquid. You can also just taste them to
make sure they’re done. Do whatever you want! Add to your Buddha bowl. To prepare the kale: drizzle
even more olive oil in the pan, and when hot, add your washed and chopped kale (I just buy the pre-
washed and chopped baby kale to make things easier). Squeeze in LOTS of lemon juice, because kale
by itself is disgusting, but lemon kale is yum. I usually squeeze in a whole lemon, but you can use more
or less if you want. Add a decent sprinkle of turmeric, salt, and pepper. When wilted and seasoned, put it
in ‘ya bowl! To prepare the sweet potato: you can actually have this cooking while getting the
mushrooms and kale ready. Simply wash the potato, stab it a few times with a fork (this will create holes
for steam to escape, and make it so your potato doesn’t explode), and pop it in the microwave for 8-10
minutes. Depending on your microwave, it could take a little more or less time. Once your potato is soft,
slice it down the middle, drizzle with olive oil or add a spoon of coconut oil, and plop it in the bowl with all
your other veggies. Top with extra sesame seeds, and your ¼- ½ cup of chickpeas. Enjoy!
Post -Script: I’ve just read over this recipe and realized how long and tedious it looks. Fear not.
After the oven preheats and you’ve washed the vegetables, it only takes a total of about 15 to 20

Lapcos Korean Beauty sheet masks. Guyssss I am mildly obsessed with these, and I have to restrict
myself to a maximum of one every two weeks. When wandering through the never-ending shelves of
Cost Plus World Market, I came across a whole entire section of skin care items, and boy oh boy was I
excited. I bought the Variety Pack Set of 7 with the money I’d intended to use on more fake succulents,
and it was completely worth it. Something really nice about these masks is that you don’t have to rinse
your face after using them. The serums they come in are very soothing and can stay on your skin. On a
day I’d forgotten to reapply sunscreen, I used the aloe mask and my skin felt loads better. I’d highly
recommend these as a fun, luxury item. You don’t need them for healthy skin, but they are quite nice and
provide you a moment to breathe during a busy day.

Exploring your own backyard - our Colorado Road Trip. This vacation, which I’ve mentioned before,
was especially fun because we were accompanied by our friends from England and their corresponding
senses of humor. Mesa Verde and Black Canyon National Parks were particular favorites of mine - it is
crazy how you can live somewhere your entire life, and never see but a fraction of it. Here are some of
my favorite ways to stay sane on a road trip with seven other people: 
Don’t forget to eat! A hungry Maya equates to a grumpy Maya, and grumpiness is incompatible
with traveling hours and hours with seven people. My favorite snack for a road trip is a Chocolate
Sea Salt RX Bar. Though these have a little more sugar than I’d like, thanks to the dates, the
ingredients are very clean and provided me with plenty of energy. The Primal Kitchen collagen
bars are also a good option.
Download some music and a podcast, especially if you’re meandering through the mountains and
are going to be without cell signal. My favorite podcast on this trip is “Black Girl in Om.” Let me
preface with this: I entirely understand that this podcast was not made for me. I am not a woman
of color, as the podcast is designed for. However, I absolutely recognize and appreciate the
importance of diversity in the wellness community. Like many other movements, wellness is not
particularly intersectional -- it’s very white and very privileged. The reason I love this podcast is
because it is one of many working to make the wellness space more diverse and accepting.
The guests are fantastic, Lauren Ash and Deun Ivory are uber inspiring, and it provides me with
a lot of perspective. It’s a privilege check, and we can all use those from time to time. 
Stay active! When you’re sitting in a car for hours and hours, your back is going to get very, very
sore. Your whole body has been crumpled up in an unnatural position, and you need to move it in
order to feel your best. During a road trip, my favorite ways to stay active are by going on hikes
and doing yoga. I bring my yoga mat everywhere - it’s so easy to pack, and you can lay it out in
a hotel room, at a rest stop, in the grass… anywhere. I simply get on my mat, go on YouTube for
a digital class, and stretch, stretch away. Hiking is another great opportunity, particularly if you’re
in the mountains. Trails and paths are in abundance, and you can usually find scenic places to
stop and enjoy. If you’re ever venturing through Colorado, look out for Treasure Falls; there are
some lovely hikes, not too difficult, but challenging enough to make you breathe a little heavier.

A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. Please do not read this book unless you are in a very good place,
mentally and emotionally. It is completely devastating, and in parts, rather disturbing, but a beautiful book
nonetheless. If you’re wondering if this book is for you, I’ll just say I wouldn’t recommend it to my
14-year-old sister. The tale follows Jude, JB, Malcolm, and Willem, friends from college, on their journeys
through adulthood in New York City. Each character is written so gorgeously and realistically, the writing
style in itself is brilliant, and I’m just obsessed with this book. Currently on page 265 out of 814, I have so
much longer to go, but it’s hard to put this one down. Again, please, before starting, make sure this is a
book you’re going to be okay reading.
Another book recommendation, for something not necessarily lighter, but definitely quicker;
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. I read this as a novel for school
summer reading, which usually discourages me from actually liking the book, but this one was
amazing. It makes you really appreciate the ideas of desensitization and what it means to be

Alo Yoga YouTube Channel. This is my favorite YouTube channel, hands down. The guided yoga flows
and tutorials, boxing and HIIT workouts, and everything in between are all fantastic! They’re incredibly
energizing and motivational. I think it’s really important for exercise teachers to emphasize doing what
feels best for your body and moving at your own pace. Competition and self-deprecation are never a
good thing, especially in a yoga class. Though they’re entirely digital, none of these videos have made
me feel bad about myself or uncomfortable. The teachers are stellar and there are videos for people of
all levels. Challenging, motivational, and centered around self-compassion, I’d recommend Alo Yoga to
a new yogi or an old-hat. 

Thrifting. I truly believe that every day, we vote with our dollar. When we invest in grass-fed and
humanely-raised meats instead of a conventional steak, we are voting for more sustainable methods
of ranching. Similarly, when we buy our clothes second hand, or from consignment stores, we’re
combating fast fashion and discovering amazing finds along the way. I would love to purchase entirely
fair trade clothing, but the truth is, I can’t afford it. It’s really expensive for me and my family, but that’s
okay! Thrifting can actually be cheaper than buying clothes from, say, Target, and you can find really
awesome pieces! For instance -- during our road trip, we made a stop in Salida, Colorado, and visited a
few thrift shops. I found the best high-waisted cargo pants, high-waisted purple corduroy pants, and a
lacy white top. They are my new favorite clothes, they’re better for the Earth, and I’m voting with my
dollar, doing my part to protest fast fashion and its corresponding horrors. It’s true that you have to pick
your battles, but the one against fast fashion is a relatively easy one to fight. 

Meditation on the Amazon Echo. Meditation is so, so, so freaking important. I’ve listened to enough of
Sam Harris’ podcasts and read enough books to understand that. Unfortunately, starting a meditation
practice can be really hard for a newbie, and guided meditation apps can be really pricey. Enter Alexa,
our handy-dandy robotic pal. It can be a little expensive to purchase an Amazon Echo, put if you already
have one, or know someone who does, loads of free guided programs are available. From yoga flows to
seven-minute workouts to inspirational affirmations read to you by Oprah, almost anything is possible.
My favorite program is the guided meditation. Just say, “Alexa, please open guided meditation,” and
someone will lead you through a 1 to 9 minute meditation. They’re not too long, there are different
meditations every day, and you can do them anywhere! I personally love doing these meditations when
I wake up in the morning to energize me, and when I am going to bed, to help me fall asleep.
Ten out of ten recommend.

And there you have it my friends! Before we part, I’d like to share with you a few things I’m giving up as
we move into August. Number One on my list? Buzzfeed quizzes. Remember at the beginning, when
we were chatting about having no clue what our lives hold in store? Well, Buzzfeed Quizzes disagree.
These addictive quizzes have predicted I will meet my soulmate at a festival; that the Disney Princess
who will be my best friend, based on the meals I pick, is Rapunzel; that I will become a firefighter; and,
most recently, that I am Tom Holland. I wish. Anyway, I’m giving up Buzzfeed Quizzes because they’re
really easy to binge, they mean nothing, and I have better things to do with my time. I’m also giving up
my iPhone in exchange for a flip phone. The simple truth is that I’m on my phone too much. This is
mostly because of the Buzzfeed quizzes (these things tend to go hand in hand), and again, I just have
better things to do. Like finish A Little Life. Only 549 pages to go! 

Adieu for now, and happy, happy August,


Photo by Artem Maltsev on UnsplashPhoto by Dan Gold on Unsplash, Photo by Maya,
Photo by Paula May on UnsplashPhoto by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash,
Photo by madison lavern on UnsplashPhoto by Becca McHaffie on Unsplash, Screenshot by Maya


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