Little Things I Do to Help the Environment

"The science is clear,' Joyce Msuya, acting executive director of U.N. Environment, said in a briefing. 'The health and prosperity of humanity is directly tied with the state of our environment.' She added the planet stands at a crossroads: the Earth’s ailments are treatable, but not for a lot longer if people don’t make fundamental changes in what they consume, how they create energy, dispose of waste, and generally decrease the human footprint that is degrading air, water, and land" (National Geographic). 

So... that's, well... cheerful.

Here's the thing - a 5'2" teenage girl smack in the middle of suburban Colorado isn't going to make a huge impact on global warming or the environment. Even if I don't use plastic straws, turtles will still die. Even if I thrift all of my clothes and only buy sustainable products, fast fashion will still be a serious issue. BUT THIS IS NOT THE POINT. If you want to change (or save, as the case may be) the world, you have to change yourself first. And if enough of us change ourselves, we can change the world. Ta-da! Unfortunately, it's not that simple, because giant corporations and companies still put profits and convenience over the freaking planet, don't seem to care about industrial emissions, and have unsustainable models, but no shade. At. All.

But hey, we can all still do our part to save the Earth. Here are little things I do to help the environment:

Eat a Vegetarian or Vegan Meal at Least Once a Day - This one is actually terribly easy. As much as I love steak, meat production isn't oh so good for the environment, or the animals. Of course, you can buy grass-fed and finished items, but not everyone can afford or access these options. Thus, I tend to eat vegan or vegetarian for one or two meals a day. Have eggs for breakfast, minus the bacon, or a smoothie bowl with almond, coconut, or oat milk. For lunch, you can check out my Vegan Buddha Bowl recipe (shameless self-promo), or make a gluten-free caprese sandwich. Awesome vegetarian protein alternatives are cheese and eggs, while vegan ideas include tofu, almonds, peanut butter, pea protein, chickpeas, and black beans. Just once a day, guys, or once a week. Or once in a blue moon. Just every so often. You vote with every meal you eat, so you may as well vote for the environment.

Take Shorter Showers - My main tip? Wash your hair only every other day. It's better for your luscious locks, and you'll use both less water and shampoo. Also, you won't have to get up as early, assuming you shower in the morning! School starts early and I'm always tired, but shorter showers mean at least ten minutes more extra sleep. 

Head to Goodwill or a Thrift Shop - Sustainable brands are the best. What's my favorite? Reformation. You know what I can't afford? Reformation. So here's my advice. Need a new button-up? If your local Goodwill is anything like mine, it'll have dozens and dozens and dozens. You'll save quite a bit of money, and help the world. According to the article "Putting the Brakes on Fast Fashion, "The fashion industry produces 20 percent of global wastewater and 10 percent of global carbon emissions - more than all international flights and maritime shipping. Textile dyeing is the second largest polluter of water globally and it takes around 2,000 gallons of water to make a typical pair of jeans...Then there is the human cost: textile workers are often paid derisory wages and forced to work long hours in appalling conditions" (UN Environment). Buying second hand is a super way to get fun things without contributing to the fast fashion and consumption epidemics. Go! Experience the magic that is the thrift shop!

Use a Reusable Water Bottle - It doesn't have to be a Hydro Flask, and you don't have to be a VSCO girl. But if you are a Hydro-Flask-Loving-VSCO-girl, then yass queen, you do you! The key here is avoiding those single-use plastic water bottles. I bring my water bottle, a little green one from Target, pretty much everywhere. They last ages, they reduce your waste, what's not to love?

Invest In Metal Straws - Again, no VSCO status necessary. These straws are terribly handy, easy to clean, and a good way to enjoy your iced coffee without hurting the turtles. It makes me really sad to have a smoothie with no straw, because then I feel less like Betty Cooper at Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe and more like a stressed sophomore with no time to make a hot breakfast... well, that's actually a terrible explanation, I'd rather be a stressed sophomore than Betty Cooper. But you know what I mean. Metal straws are stellar.

Turn Off the Lights - When you leave a room, make sure to turn off the lights. "Although electricity is a clean and relatively safe form of energy when it is used, the generation and transmission of electricity affects the environment...In the United States, about 64% of total electricity generation in 2017 was produced from fossil fuels" (Electricity and the Environment). Your empty kitchen won't be scared of the dark, I pinky swear. Just turn off the lights, y'all.

Reusable Bags at All of the Stores - We're talking grocery stores, shoe stores, pet stores... all the stores. Reusable bags. Oh, oh, and sometimes you can buy ones from King Soopers with little recipes on them! Those are always exciting.

- Walk, Bike, or Carpool - So here's the thing; I can't drive. I passed the written exam, I have my permit, I have driven around neighborhoods and parking lots, I've even gone to Target. But every single time, after I'm done driving, I cry. I mean full-on sob. I don't like having control over such a giant freaking vehicle. I don't like that I could make one tiny mistake and hurt someone. So, I don't drive yet (my parents put a big emphasis on the yet). Instead, I walk, bike, or catch a ride with other people. Need to go volunteer at the local memory care? Take a walk. Need to get to school early for horticulture club (which I really, really want to join!)? Bike there. Get in some physical activity and help the planet. Win win, right?

Beg Your English Teacher to Stop Printing So Many Handouts - I, um, haven't done this one. Yet. But boy, do I need to, we're only four weeks in and my binder is stuffed!

Thanks everyone! Let's save Mother Earth, and collectively thank the stars for the wonder that is Greta Thunberg. As the oceans rise, so will we.

Until next time,

Photo by Will Cornfield on UnsplashPhoto by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash,
Photo by Markus Spiske on UnsplashPhoto by Chris Benson on Unsplash
Photo by OneSave/Day on UnsplashPhoto by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


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