Cultural Capital and the Teenage Girl

A comment I recently received on a YouTube video:

The commentator: I hope your parents know you're reading anti-white propaganda. Intersectionality is a secular religious cult.

My response: We'll have to agree to disagree :)

The commentator's response: Go ask your Mummy and Daddy.

  1. A focus on the black experience does not equate to anti-white propaganda.
  2. White people can be individually discriminated against. White people as a group, however, have never been attacked solely for being white. You can't be racist to a white person.
  3. Secular = Denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.
  4. Thus, this guy is really good at a) oxymoron b) being a moron c) arguing against his own point.
  5. Cult = a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.
  6. Is it sinister of me to contemplate the complexity and nuance of each person? Is it strange to think that you are made up of so many different tissues and beliefs and thoughts and dreams?
  7. Hint: nope.
  8. I am young.
  9. I look younger than I am. 
  10. That means I can have no mind of my own. I am merely an impressionable piece of wax for other people to twist and contort and mold.
  11. You must think I'm a Mini Babybel Original Semi-Soft Cheese.
  12. Here's some intersectionality for you: I am white, which grants me privilege. I am cisgender, which grants me privilege. I am ethnically Jewish, which does not grant me privilege. I am female, which does not grant me privilege.
  13. Why does culture mock the screaming fan girl, and not the kid next door with 500 Messi jerseys?
  14. Why are boy bands lame?
  15. Why is is shallow to like makeup and clothes?
  16. Why are stereo-typically male interests cool?
  17. Why are stereo-typically female interests punchlines?
  18. Would you have asked me to ask my Mummy and my Daddy to explain the world to me if I were male? If I were older?
  19. That is intersectionality. A very mild example of a very privileged me because you're already confused (see point 4).
  20. Who's a Mini Babybel Original Semi-Soft Cheese, now?


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